This post was originally published on this siteThe era of student loan refinancing may finally be here.For years, rates on government loans didn’t matter because pandemic-induced payment forbearance meant interest wasn’t accruing. Plus, refinancing turns a federal...
This post was originally published on this siteIn recent years, the debate surrounding digital asset investing has circulated among media pundits, financial experts, lawmakers, and policy enforcers. Should employer retirement plans offer crypto as part of their...
This post was originally published on this siteBowhead whales may not be the only species that can live to 200 years old. Researchers have found that the industrial hunting of great whales has masked the ability of these underwater giants to also live to great ages. A...
This post was originally published on this siteI was with my four kids on the playground one day, talking with the other moms. We were chatting about school, work, and tiptoeing around the subject of finances.One of the moms mentioned saving for college, and it felt...
This post was originally published on this siteIntense workouts like Solidcore and SLT are booming, one $43 class at a time. Are they making people stronger or feeding Ozempic-era expectations for thin bodies? ‘Pilates has been associated with cash- and time-rich...